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Jeff McArthur

     Jeff McArthur has always been fascinated by design, how things work, and by creating things in general. Ever since he was young he has wanted to work in media — originally shooting to work with 3D in the motion picture business. However the interactive nature of games and the huge creative possibility were overly tempting, so he switched his focus to games

     He's an artist at heart and shoots to create the best artwork possible — using Gods incredible creation as his main inspiration. He has worked on art for a variety of games and game prototypes which include: Wordlers, Ilathid, Exegisis, Freedom Arena and Open Fire.

      Jeff works part time as a GUI designer for a telecom company. He is currently enrolled in a three year art program, studying fine art such as shading and painting. A proficient graphic designer and self taught 3D artist, he enjoys web site creation, design, filming, editing, and photography. Some of his favorite game series are Myst, Halo, Starcraft, Half Life and Burnout.

Joseph Quigley

     Joseph Quigley has been surrounded by computers ever since he was 6 months old. A proficient programmer and writer, he started programming when he was 12 and had his first article published online at when he was just 14.

     He currently does freelance jobs, casual programming, and gaming in his spare time while he finishes high school. He enjoys programming challenges and competitions, and has worked on several game projects, most notably, Bible Dave.

     Some of his favorite games are Half Life, The Half Life 2 series, Portal, Sim City 3000, Roller coaster Tycoon 2, StarCraft, PGR4, and Command and Conquer Generals.

Estuardo Salazar

     Born and raised in Guatemala, he descends from a family of musicians. At age 13, he began to take up an interest in music, seeing how music captures the essence of almost anything you want, and had the dream of one day becoming a great DJ. However, he has settled with only being a part time game musician, but with the same ardent passion that inspires him to live.

     Having a scholarly approach to all things, his primary interests involve philosophy, social sciences, theology, staying fit (and looking good while at it, hehe) and music. When he does not have his nose digging through the latest political treatise or is not sprinting like a nut through his hometown, he imserses himself in many kinds of music and lets his imagination run amok, possibly inspiring him to compose his next piece.

     He is currently studying Political Sciences with a specialty in International Relationships with the desire to one day see his beloved Guatemala become a prosperous nation and to give God Almighty his due honor and glory.